Certificate III Meat Processing

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Qualification Description

This qualification reflects the role of individuals working as skilled operators, or in roles to oversee quality programs, in a meat processing premises. In such roles, workers have responsibility for overseeing part or all of a processing plant and related equipment. They are required to work autonomously, use judgement, interpret information, and apply solutions to routine and some non-routine problems. They may also take some responsibility for the output of others.

This qualification offers an optional specialisation in:


  • Quality.

All work must be carried out to comply with workplace procedures, according to state/territory food safety, and work health and safety codes, regulations and legislation that apply to the workplace.

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication.

Packaging Rules

To achieve this qualification, competency must be demonstrated in:

15 units of competency:


  • 4 core units plus
  • 11 elective units.
  • 3 unit can be imported from another training package.


Core Units
AMPCOM301Communicate effectively at work
AMPQUA301Comply with  hygiene and sanitation requirements
AMPQUA302Maintain food safety and quality programs
AMPWHS301Contribute to workplace health and safety processes
Elective Units (Select a minimum of 5 from Group A below if selecting Quality)
AMPABA303Use standard product descriptions – sheep and goats
AMPABA304Use standard product descriptions – beef
AMPABA305Use standard product descriptions - pork
AMPQUA304Perform carcase Meat Hygiene Assessment
AMPQUA305Perform process monitoring for Meat Hygiene Assessment
AMPQUA306Perform boning room Meat Hygiene Assessment
AMPQUA307Perform offal Meat Hygiene Assessment
AMPQUA308Grade beef carcases using MSA standards
AMPQUA309Perform manual chemical lean testing
AMPQUA312Assess meat product in chillers
AMPQUA313Perform pre-operations hygiene assessment
FBPFSY3005Control contaminants and allergens in food processing
FBPPPL3005Participate in an audit process
Elective Units (Group B)
AMPA3138Identify secondary sexual characteristics - beef
AMPABA301# Prepare head for inspection
AMPABA302 #Prepare and present viscera for inspection
AMPLSK301Handle animals humanely while conducting ante-mortem inspection
AMPLSK302 #Assess cattle according to industry standards
AMPMSY303 *#Conduct ante-mortem inspection and make disposition
AMPOPR301Follow and implement an established work plan
AMPOPR302Handle meat product in cold stores
AMPOPR303Manage animal identification data
AMPPKG301Monitor production of packaged product to customer specifications
AMPPKG302Supervise meat packing operation
AMPQUA310Inspect transportation container or vehicle
AMPQUA314#Follow hygiene, sanitation and quality requirements when handling chilled or frozen meat
AMPQUA315Maintain production records
AMPWHS201Sharpen and handle knives safely
FBPFSY3004Participate in traceability activities
FBPOPR2068Operate a process control interface
FBPOPR3020Plan, conduct and monitor equipment maintenance
FBPOPR3021Apply good manufacturing practice requirements in food processing
MSL973025Perform basic tests
MSMENV272Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices

Prerequisite requirements

An asterisk (*) next to the unit code indicates that there are prerequisite requirements which must be met when packaging the qualification. Please refer to the Prerequisite requirements table for details.

AMPMSY303 Conduct ante-mortem inspection and make disposition requires


  • AMPLSK301 Handle animals humanely while conducting ante-mortem inspection.

A hash (#) next to the unit code indicates mandatory workplace requirements which must be met when assessing this unit. Please refer to the individual unit’s Assessment Requirements for details.

How will you be assessed?

You will be assessed via a variety of means including, practical demonstration of skills, knowledge assessment and your ability to apply skills in a real workplace environment.

Students undertaking this qualification need to be employed / working in a meat processing facility.

Entry requirements

There are no entry requirements for this qualification and there also are no licensing, legislative or underpinning certification requirements applying to this qualification.

Assessment conditions

This qualification must be delivered and assessed in the context of Australian meat processing standards and regulations. Students undertaking this qualification need to be employed by a meat processing facility and have access to a registered operating meat processing plant.
All assessments must be demonstrated onsite at the normal rate of production. 

What to expect

Students can expect to complete this qualification in under 12 months and on completion will have the fundamental skills of a meat processing worker. 
After completing the Certificate III, students should feel confident to progress their learning and be ready to undertake the Certificate IV Meat Processing qualification.